40 Days to a Personal Revolution FAQs

Sept 17 - Oct 27, 2021

What is 40 Days to Personal Revolution?

This program is based on the book by Baron Baptiste, 40 Days to Personal Revolution.  It is intended to develop new practices/habits by deliberately shifting away from old ways of being.

In the course of 40 Days you will create a new physicality by practicing 30 asana (on the mat) classes.  You will create a new eco system within the body by honestly evaluating the intake and foods you use to fuel your body. You will create a new, consistent meditation practice leading you to inward sanctum.

Once a week you will meet with your community to uncover what may be holding you back and to discover what is available, propelling you forward.  These meetings will be "safe spaces" for inquiry and open dialogue, should you choose to share. You will enter into a new level of community within Humble Haven. 

Why 40 Days?

The number 40 represents transition and change, renewal and beginnings.  Several world religions acknowledge the 40th day as being the start of something new.  Regardless of your own faith and traditions, 40 is a number that allows for more than one month and sets the tone for shift and change. As Baron writes in the introduction to his book, “That is what we are aiming to do here: wipe out the old and welcome the new. In forty days, you can shift into a whole new way of living and being.” This program is beyond habit forming, it is transformational.

Is this program unique to Humble Haven Yoga?

No! Studios that teach the Baptiste Methodology have been leading this transformational work since Baron published the first copy in 2004. Creating revolution in mind and body is nothing new nor is this Program.  We are excited to offer our variety of 40 Days and to bring to you what others have experienced around the world!

Can I do the program if I can’t attend the meeting every week?

100% participation means meetings are mandatory.  You will not regret a moment spent. Meetings will be offered in person and via Zoom to make full participation possible. If you feel a nudge to do this program, sign up! The degree you are willing or able to participate is up to you.

Can I do this program if I’m brand new to yoga or meditation?

YES!  and YES!  All of our instructors are able to teach TO all and yoga is truly FOR all. The 30 classes in 40 days allows for you to take any of the classes offered at HHY AND to take them at the pace that works for you.  YOU are your own best teacher.  The Meditations begin at 8 minutes daily and end in week 6 with 30 minutes daily.  This is the perfect way to commit to a growing meditation practice!   

What’s this about a Fruit Feast?!?

The Fruit Feast is a 3 day feast of only fruit.  It is straight forward in that any amount of fruit is prescribed.  There will be resources offered to help you prepare and to guide you through.  This is very much a voluntary portion of the Program and offers tremendous results.  Any and all dietary restrictions should be followed as prescribed by your physician.  You will not be the only one feasting and may even find it to be enjoyable!  The overall dietary aspect of "40 Days" is to cleanse and renew.  The Fruit Feast is an addition to self wellness.

How to get 30 classes done in 40 days?

Any of our weekly asana (physical) classes count towards your 30 - Power, Hamstrings, Yoga Build, Bootcamp, Power Down - all are rooted in the practice of yoga! We do recommend signing up ahead of time for your classes because 1. the studio tends to get busier during fall and challenges and 2. it's a great accountability tool! We do not recommend taking more than 2 classes in one day. Pace yourself, you can do this!

If you are not an unlimited member, you can purchase a 40 day unlimited package for $155. If you are a Limited Member, you can purchase a supplemental package for $90 (available for purchase in-studio only).

Do I need to buy/borrow the book?

Yes. This program has required reading each week from Baron Baptiste’s book, 40 Days to a Personal Revolution. We will have a limited number for sale at the studio but the book is available on Amazon.

Is there a kick off meeting? When is it? Do I have to attend?

The official kick off meeting is our first Friday meeting on the first day of the 40 day challenge, September 17th 6:45-7:45pm. To participate 100%, all Friday meetings are mandatory. You will be able to join via Zoom or in person.

We will be holding a virtual gathering on Wednesday, 9/15 12:30-1pm via Zoom to help get any and all participants set for success. We will share more on what to expect, and whats and hows of the program on this call. If you can’t make it 12:30-1, we will share the recording with all registered participants.

You will not regret a moment of this program.  What you give of your time and energy you will receive in return! We can’t wait to share these 40 days with you!