Attending My First Retreat
A Mission Moment share by Humble Haven’s Founder, Suzanne Burns
“It was June 2015 and I was on a flight back to Washington, DC (my then home) from a small town in Mexico.
I was wide awake on the flight. This sticks out to me because I’m the kind of person that is instantly lulled asleep by travel as a passenger. Not only was I awake but I felt good physically and mentally. Even now 8 years later I can remember thinking, is this what a vacation is supposed to feel like?
Up until that point vacations were often times where I ate things that didn’t make me feel my best, drank too much, and neglected any type of movement that kept my body feeling good. But, this vacation was my first yoga retreat and it left me feeling different in a good and lasting way.
I remember reading various aspects of the description before booking and talking myself out of it in mind as I did…
Shared room (the one that fit my budget) with a possible stranger?! No thanks
Vegetarian meals included…no meat?! I’ll starve
2 yoga classes offered daily…when does the napping take place?! I don’t know if I can do that
Do as much or as little as feels good to you…they don’t really mean that
But, despite all the chatter in my head, I was still intrigued. I mean…I did like yoga after all…the teacher leading it was one of my favorites to take class from…how much time was I really going to spend in the room?
So I went for it and there hasn’t been a year since that I haven’t made it possible to do it again.
And come to find out…
The people I shared a room with were strangers at the beginning but great roommates and 2 still good friends to this day
I discovered foods and meals that I could easily carry into every day life that made me feel good
Not only could I do the 2 yoga classes a day, but I enjoyed them…because…it is all your own pace after all
What made you take your first yoga retreat? And, if you haven’t been on one, what would you like to see offered when you do go? “