The Yamas & Niyamas

We've been working behind the scenes on a new in-studio offering…

Many rely on the power of energetic properties of crystals to assist with intention setting, meditation & mindfulness practices, space clearing, and healing. Vanessa has curated a selection of crystals that use the Yamas & Niyamas as a framework for anti-racist efforts as well as crystal companions that serve as additional tools to help on the journey to self-awareness, empathy, compassion and a mindset that supports equality, inclusivity, and social justice. Now available at the studio along with custom artwork of each crystal by Julia

The Yamas

Yoga is an 8-limbed path and Yamas are the first of those 8 limbs. Yamas provide us with moral observances for our interactions with others. Here you'll find 4 of the 5 yamas - Ahimsa, Satya, Asteya, and Aparigraha - along with their meanings and an offering of how they can be used to support and guide anti-racist action to create equitable spaces and systems.

The Niyamas

Yoga is an 8-limbed path and Niyamas are the second of those 8 limbs. Niyamas provide us with guidelines for personal observance. Here you'll find the 5 Niyamas - Saucha, Santosa, Tapas, Svadhyaya, and Ishvarapranidhana - and how their meanings are an offering to support and guide anti-racist action to create equitable spaces and systems.

Contemplation on Niyamas + Yamas and crystal recommendations provided by Vee Cowles. 

Vanessa Cowles

Vee Cowles is a Richmond-based yoga teacher, candle maker, and crystal aficionado. In Vee's words, "candles light her personal path to freedom and crystals are her chosen companions." Vee has a deep love and belief in community and collective freedom.

Julia Stewart

Julia Stewart is a Richmond-based yoga teacher and artist. She believes that when we move with intention together on our mats, we become more intentional members of our communities off our mats. At the core of Julia's approach to both creating art and teaching yoga is her ever-present curiosity for the human condition. It made her the perfect co-creator for this project and artist behind the crystal drawings you see on the front of this card.

Follow Vee on Instagram at @sageyvee

Follow Julia on Instagram at @julia_stewart_art


No Matter What


An Exploration of Self Study