The Fulfilled Plate

Where your mission bridges your why and your work

You’ve got an established or new small business…

and you know it’s time for a change within it…

  • You’ve been hearing a call to create something - for you or for your community

  • You want to feel inspired in your day to day work and be surrounded by others who feel the same

  • You know something has to go in order to go forward

  • You are seeking that last bit of reassurance that your next move is the right one

But you’re getting caught up when it’s time to make the next “right decision”. You need a support system and the right team doing work that keep the business moving forward and you creating.

How and where do you go from here?


I’ve been where you are.

You’ve had an idea for your future for some time now - it hasn’t and isn’t going anywhere.

You’ve got a handful of reasons as to why you shouldn’t take a leap of faith, but you’re still thinking about it.

It’s time to take action! This program provides the tools for you to draw your own map and map out your next steps.

EXACTLY what I needed. I would recommend this workshop for anyone, whether they are are feeling “stuck” or not. Having the open conversation in an intentional and purposefully laid out process was perfect. It allowed for collaborative and introspective work through sharing experiences and values.

Chelsea M.

One-on-One Offerings

Mission. Values. Sustainable Growth.

What’s your area of focus as a leader or business owner?

Make Decisions | Purposeful and efficient decision making is the key to upholding a sense of fulfillment in your business.

  • Write or rewrite your business’s mission statement so that it encompasses passion, purpose, and who you want to reach 

  • Create core values for your business to align yourself with the right team members and clients 

Build a Team | Your team is an extension of your vision and mission. Building a lasting one is invaluable.

  • Build an organization that puts the right people in the right seats and keeps you doing what you love  

  • Freshen up your toolbox for interacting and connecting with your people 

  • Draw a map for conflict resolution, it’s inevitable but it doesn’t have to be unmanageable 

  • Diversify. A strong team is a diverse team. Let me share my wins, shortfalls, resources, and experience in the ongoing quest to build a team that is diverse in age, ability, race, and beyond. 

Plan for Transition | If you’re in a position of leadership or business owner, you are a visionary and transitions will be inevitable. Let’s keep them fun.

  • Do you have the sense or know that a transition is coming or needed? I’ve experienced my fair share from employees, to physical space, to services and offerings. Let me share the steps that I followed and the ones I missed to make your upcoming change a smooth one 

  • Expansion & Contraction. How are you planning for sustainable growth? The kind that moves you forward and doesn’t burn you out? Or maybe you’re in burn out mode and are ready to get inspired again. I’ve been in both places and can help you make the next step forward.

Hi! I’m Suzanne Burns

All my life I’ve loved bringing people together. As a young kid it was for sleepovers and as a teen it was organizing and creating events for my school, teachers, and classmates. In college it’s why I loved working in restaurants where I was immersed in gatherings small and large day in and day out. When I found yoga in my early twenties, I was drawn to the potential for community and connection that was woven into the teachings of the movement.

I spent the early years of my career in new home sales and bouncing to various digital companies working in advertising, product, and business development while moonlighting as a yoga teacher. When I felt the call to move to my hometown of Richmond, Virginia, I took my experience from the corporate world and my innate love for bringing people together and opened Humble Haven Yoga.

I’ve spent the past 13 years learning from fellow entrepreneurs, corporate executives, and peers in and outside of my industry. Every skill I’ve learned and experience I’ve had in years prior assisted me in crafting a mission forward business where I’m not only able to feel financially successful, but purposeful as well.

There’s times that I’ve felt impatient and frustrated. There’s times I’ve wanted to throw in the towel and almost did! Yet, I survived to tell the tale and I did because I had a mission and values that allowed me to double down on purpose when profits were a challenge.

My most recent experiences have led me here, to a new offering specifically for my fellow small business owners. Maybe you’ve been in business and there are parts of my story that you already identify with. Maybe you’re just getting started and eager to learn from someone a little further down the path. I want to share my experiences - the wins and the missteps - so you can feel firmly rooted in the why behind your business.

I strongly believe that our success is interconnected with the success of those around us. The work that we will do together will give you everything you need to create success on your terms, as well as, lay the groundwork for smart, efficient, principled decision making in the moments that challenge us as small business owners. Join me!

  • Elizabeth F.

    I know the importance of having a clearly defined vision and mission statement for my business, but, when life gets busy it can be hard to see the forest for the trees.

    When I found out Suzanne was leading a workshop specifically geared toward business owners, I dropped what I was doing and immediately signed up.

    I am so excited to be guided through this process in a space with other small business owners and feel the support of this community.

    Suzanne has a gift for bringing clarity and a fresh perspective to everything from the big-picture decision making to the day-to-day minuita of running a small business.

  • Rachel B.

    I became an employee of Humble Haven in September 2021. After a few years in the boutique fitness world, coupled with a very messy pandemic, I took a few months off to marinate on whether I even had a future in this environment anymore. As a member of Humble Haven, watching from the sidelines during this time, I really began to appreciate how Suzanne managed the intersection of personal and professional decision making as the world around her presented one hit after another that year.

    Suzanne has created a space that radiates a palpable, magnetic energy. She is not interested in a potential sale but rather expanding her community and as a result, she makes everyone feel welcome; and I mean everyone.

    On any given day you can expect to see a handful of staff members, if not more, in the studio practicing alongside you because THAT is the power of this community. Together, those principles have allowed Humble Haven to keep their doors open year after year.

  • Rachel K

    I was hesitant to join the The Fulfilled Plate because I didn’t have a business when I signed up, but this program gave me the structure and space I needed to explore my passions and ideas, to see if there was something bigger there, and to start to form these things into a more clear vision for the future. Suzanne offers a really unique and creative guide to help you dig a little deeper and be very intentional about what you want to offer and why. She also challenges participants to share their work with each other throughout the program — something that scared me but was ultimately so worth the nerves for the support and feedback! I would highly recommend this program if you’re feeling the nudge to create something and want to get clear on what that thing is.

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